"Welcome To My Front Porch"

Welcome to my blog! Raylene's Front Porch! You know how there's something familiar and welcoming about a front porch? That's what I want this blog to be---a place you can stop by and visit awhile. I hope you will find it as comforting as an old quilt thrown over a porch swing, and as refreshing as a glass of sweet tea in July, with the surprise of a slice of lemon or a sprig of mint thrown in from time to time. You can learn a lot about a person and even life in general from front porch visits. So what kind of things do you talk about on the front porch? Well, you talk about family, the grandkids and how your geraniums are doing this year. You might share a recipe or a great tip you tried that really worked, or something you wish the whole world knew. The great little shop you found or the time you made a fool of yourself. You might be silly or goofy, but just once in awhile you might share the deepest thing on your heart. You talk about your latest project, things you've learned and things you are eager to try. You tell each other about victories and defeats, goals and dreams and wins and losses. Sometimes you sit and linger, and sometimes you pop in for a quick hi and bye. You take in the view and watch as the seasons change it, and sometimes your perspectives. You share a funny story, and you share your deepest faith that comforts and grounds you no matter what life brings. This is my patchwork idea of front porch visits. Please stop by often.....Welcome to my front porch!

Copyright: Front Porch Resources 2022