These words remind me of a very difficult time in my life. The Christmas holidays were getting closer and I was dealing with my Mom’s dementia and coming to terms with the fact that I was nearing the end of what I could do for her on my own, and that weighed heavily on me. In addition to that my prayer warrior friend, and sister by choice, “Sissy”, aka Toni was waiting to see where her breast cancer diagnosis would lead her. Five years earlier she had stood by me through my own breast cancer journey.
I realized that sometimes, no matter what your circumstances are, you just have to make a conscious choice, a decision to have joy. Joy is an amazing thing because unlike its first cousin happiness, it is not dictated by, or dependent on our emotions or our moods. Galatians 5:22 tells us that joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit and like all fruit crops it is going to grow best and be more plentiful with a little tending.
One day during this time when I was out Christmas shopping, I came across this mug simply adorned with the word JOY. I bought one for me and one for Toni. I realized that everyday I had a choice to make. I had to look for joy in the smallest things and when I found it, I had to hold on to it for dear life. Each time I used my cup, it would be a small reminder to keep my joy- quest active.
Joy to the World is one of my favorite carols, but joy is not something to be pulled out each Christmas with the tree and the lights and then packed back away in the attic when the season is over. We need it every day. Practicing joy in our lives has so many benefits. As they see the joy in our life regardless of our circumstances, others will be drawn to it, and we can use our stories to encourage them and point them to the one and only true joy giver. Research has shown that people who choose joy-filled lives live longer, healthier lives. It’s not always easy to make that choice.
A few days later, Toni and I got together for our Christmas Tea and I was able to give her the JOY mug. Even as she unwrapped it a couple of crises had resolved. Toni found out she did not have to have chemo treatments, and I got back on top of my Mom’s situation for a little while. Things constantly come into my life and remind me of the choice I had to make way back then and that I have to make every time my joy is threatened. Little reminders like my mug, a joy ornament hanging on my cabinet door and the quote below that I have on my refrigerator door.
I love this quote by Dutch priest, professor and writer Henri J.M. Nouwen, “Joy does not simple happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.” Start looking for some joy reminders and quotes to encourage you, you’ll start to see them everywhere once you start looking. What do you have to lose? ..Choose Joy!!
1 thought on “Choose Joy”
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I’m crying now! I was enchanted by every article, but the Joy mug put me over the edge! I use mine all year round and every time I get it out to use, I thank God for my “sissy” who taught me to have joy in every season. I start each day by saying “Today I choose joy.” I’m thanking God for providing the blog opportunity for you to share your joys!!!!