More Stress-Less Tips

I have a few more Stress-Less Tips for you in addition to the previous ones I posted. I hope they are helpful!
1. Try to focus on the positive, not the negative. Many, most of our Christmas gatherings are going to be less than perfect because, we are all less than perfect people. Stay positive, think before you speak and remember, this is a time to enjoy being together and celebrating this beautiful season, not for solving all the world’s problems over one meal.
2. If you are experiencing grief or loss this season, try not to close yourself off. If you are included in gatherings, try to go if you can, others want to be with you and help carry any of your load that they can. If you feel like you need some extra encouragement or counseling, don’t hesitate to do that. There are lots of great resources out there. Local churches would be a great place to start, I know one near us is having a Grief Share class very soon.
3. It’s ok….you don’t have to put out every piece of Christmas décor that you own. (Personal Problem Alert here, I really struggle with this. I get so sentimental about different pieces that I find I don’t want to leave any out!) It’s ok…. Let’s all take a deep breath together…Maybe this is a good year to reassess your decorations and follow the popular de-cluttering mantra, “Does it make you happy?” If it does, then by all means use it, it doesn’t, donate it. Whoever gets it next may just love it!
4. This one kind of tags on to the previous one. Enjoy the traditions and practices for holidays from years past, and if they still fit in with your plans and direction for your family now, include them for sure! But if they don’t, it’s ok to let them go and establish new ones that serve you better. You are not being disrespectful. Don’t be bound to the past, or the line of thinking, “But we’ve always done it that way!” Dennis told a story once in a sermon about a woman who always used to cut both ends off her Christmas ham before she cooked it. People would ask why she did it and she would always say, “That’s how my mom did it.” Finally, one year in frustration she asked her mom why they cut the ends off the ham. The mother replied, “ I don’t know why you do it, I did it so the ham would fit the pan I had!” Imagine! All those years she had been continuing a burdensome task for no good reason at all. This year see if there are any things you are doing that you really don’t enjoy or just don’t make sense. Take a fresh look at what you do and why, and maybe you can find ways to bring elements of the past happily into your present celebration and enjoy them more than ever as you go forward!