Thank You Jesus, Shoes and Socks

We are entering the season of Thanksgiving, that time when we turn our hears toward gratitude for all God has blessed us with. Maybe things are awesome, and gratitude just bubbles out like water from a fountain. But maybe it’s been a difficult time, and it’s hard to find even a drop of thankfulness. Maybe you’re looking too hard for something big and flashy to get all excited about and overlooking lots of small, daily blessings that blend into life and are harder to recognize.
I really believe our gratitude, or lack of it affects the other areas of our life. I know when I’m focused on everything good in my life and all I have to be thankful for, it spills over. My mood is better, I’m contented, and I more easily extend grace to others on a daily basis. Gratitude really is like a lot of things in life, it’s best not to complicate it! Keep it simple…
If we start looking for things to be grateful for, we’ll see them everywhere. You know how you never notice silver cars until you get one and now you see them all the time? It’s the same with gratitude, our focus directs our vision.
I was reminded of this concept when our granddaughter Hallie Bell was just learning to say prayers. She loved (and still does) to say the blessing over our meal. The first blessing she ever said was, “Thank You Jesus, Happy Food!” Well, I mean, that sums it up pretty well! But before long she had moved on to another prayer and that had an even better lesson for me.
One day while we were sitting at the table she again volunteered for the blessing and sincerely prayed, “Thank you Jesus, Shoes and Socks!” Now her older brother did not see the profound nature of this prayer and thought it was hilarious, and of course as older brothers tend to do, said so. We quickly reassured her that this was an awesome prayer. That it’s good for us to give thanks for our shoes and socks because sadly, many people don’t have any. She smiled happily. Her prayers continued to change as she matured, but I will always remember this one.
So, whether it’s your shoes and socks, your family, home, friends, whatever, start looking today for what you can be thankful for. I bet you find a lot! Oh, and it’s not just for Thanksgiving either! Make thankfulness a year-round habit. What if we tried to find one, just one thing each day? Don’t be surprised if an attitude of gratitude changes your life and outlook!

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